7 Ways to Spot a Jerk For Singles Over 40
Interview with a 40 year old Cougar
Older Women Dating Younger Men – A Success Story
Tips on How to Date an Older Man with Children
How to Pick up a Cougar or Older Female
5 Must-Haves for a Good Boyfriend
Telltale Signs of a Douchebag
Are You ACTUALLY Ready For Love?
Is Chemistry Your Worst Subject?
Excellent advice. As a nurse I work with lots of women, and the ones that are divorced or otherwise single are always saying how hard it is to find a good man. And chances are, since you took the time to submit this question, you are one of them.
So hike up your trousers, pull those shoulders back, lift your head high, and smile.
5Mitchel April 16, 2009 at 5:48 pm
If you have indications that you’re wife is unhappy with you and she might leave, you’re absolutely right… she might. Before you talk to your friends, a counselor, or your wife you need to get two things done first. Start a second bank account and start building it up slowly, and go talk to a lawyer to find out all the tricks you need to do to keep the kids because even if they are her mistake they are also her meal ticket.
Trust me. From someone who’s been there, you can be sweet and nice and honorable and blah blah blah blah… but if she wants to live the Jerry Springer / soap opera life then she’s already gone. Guys quit trying to “work” on your marriage because people get tired of all the work. Quit trying to talk things through unless she wants to have a two way dialogue.
After you get your plan B in order then start living like you can live without her. Stand up for your NUTs and don’t let her jerk you around anymore.
6Keith Brawner April 17, 2009 at 9:39 am
For the uninformed:
N.U.T.s – Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms
– Keith
Interview with a 40 year old Cougar
Older Women Dating Younger Men – A Success Story
Tips on How to Date an Older Man with Children
How to Pick up a Cougar or Older Female
5 Must-Haves for a Good Boyfriend
Telltale Signs of a Douchebag
Are You ACTUALLY Ready For Love?
Is Chemistry Your Worst Subject?
Excellent advice. As a nurse I work with lots of women, and the ones that are divorced or otherwise single are always saying how hard it is to find a good man. And chances are, since you took the time to submit this question, you are one of them.
So hike up your trousers, pull those shoulders back, lift your head high, and smile.
5Mitchel April 16, 2009 at 5:48 pm
If you have indications that you’re wife is unhappy with you and she might leave, you’re absolutely right… she might. Before you talk to your friends, a counselor, or your wife you need to get two things done first. Start a second bank account and start building it up slowly, and go talk to a lawyer to find out all the tricks you need to do to keep the kids because even if they are her mistake they are also her meal ticket.
Trust me. From someone who’s been there, you can be sweet and nice and honorable and blah blah blah blah… but if she wants to live the Jerry Springer / soap opera life then she’s already gone. Guys quit trying to “work” on your marriage because people get tired of all the work. Quit trying to talk things through unless she wants to have a two way dialogue.
After you get your plan B in order then start living like you can live without her. Stand up for your NUTs and don’t let her jerk you around anymore.
6Keith Brawner April 17, 2009 at 9:39 am
For the uninformed:
N.U.T.s – Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms
– Keith